Sunday, July 3, 2011

Heroine Tells It Like It Is

Hi, I’m Lydia. Most people call me Red. I’m the protag in Ms. Hall’s book – Red Mojo Mama. You can expect me to come along every once in awhile when I have something to say. Guess what? I have something to say.

As a journalist (okay, it may be for a tiny little community paper, but still) I’m sensing a trend here and it’s heartening. THE WAVE OF THE FUTURE FOR WRITERS IS SELF-PUBLISHING. Duh!

Ms. Hall recently purchased a Kindle and then received a promotional email from Amazon for John Locke’s book, How I Sold 1 Million eBooks in 5 Months! She bought it and the world opened up for her. She’s a much happier person nowadays. Let’s just say – she’s getting her mojo back, too.

So, first Locke exposes how self-published authors have been ostracized and discounted – pure BS from the publishing industry– thereby validating Ms. Hall’s opinion on the subject and her self-esteem. No, she is not a vanity author – she’s a writer who finally got fed up with all the encouraging and wonderful REJECTIONS from agents and had the cojones to do something about it; like so many writers recently.

Then he lays a plan out that anyone with the ability to read could follow and - viola! We were in business. It’s work, okay – but its not digging ditches.

A writer friend of Kathy’s said, “You have to go on Twitter? Oh, then I couldn’t do it!” Really? Hmmm, maybe she’s a writer-wannabe. Or maybe she’s satisfied with possibly being discovered after her death? I’ll betcha Van Gogh, who sold 1 painting while he lived, would’a tweeted his ass off. (Sorry for the grammatical lapse – I tend to do that when I get passionate.)

Anyway, we are off and running now. Ms. Hall wants to laud John Locke for sharing his secrets with her fellow authors and I personally thank him, too. After all, when our book goes wild – the world will discover me!

Thanks – Lydia “Red” Talbot

Visit my website

Purchase my book - RED MOJO MAMA


  1. I agree!! I love the fact that the self publishing industry is taking off! It is putting power in the hands of the writer and I like that. I hope the trend continued to grow!

  2. Great post, very funny! You have quite a strong, big-mouthed character there!

    And of course you know that I am completely convinced that self publishing has taken a big leap forward with the digital revolution. No stigma attached any longer, as I posted in my blog on the "4 secrets to success in self publishing".

    So, all the Reds of the world, keep going, keep writing! No need to wait for traditional publishers, this is a brand, new world opening up!

  3. Wow! You inspired this fellow redhead in one brief page. I'm usually tougher to convince. I can't wait for your book to blow up on the scene and sell millions!!

    Lilychi/Author Karen
